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Last month, the Securist men banished the shavers and sprouted a moustache all in the cause of changing the face of men's health. Several tins of moustache wax later, they were looking fine and dandy to raise awareness of Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer and Mental Health Illnesses.

The Challenge

From the first of November, the Securist men would bare the face itch for a month and raise money for the Movember Charity. The idea is to change ones face in order to change the face of men's health. Why did we feel this was so important?


  • Men have a 14% higher risk of developing cancer than women

  • Men have a 37% higher risk of dying from cancer than women

  • Two thirds of men in the UK were either overweight or obese

  • The average life expectancy of men in the UK is almost 4 years less than women

Why? Although there are many illnesses that men suffer, primarily, there is a lack of awareness when it comes to men's illnesses. Many men do not openly discuss illnesses, and failure to report illnesses worsen their effects.

Together, we believe in changing the face of men's health!

Securist proved last month that a hairy face is a happy place! If we can do anything to raise awareness and to raise money for this great cause, we want to back it fully! We believe in change. Not just that change is real, but that change can happen.

We want to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped us raise money for Movember, everyone who helped us raise awareness for men's health, and a big thank you to the Securist men who bared the face itch for a good cause!

You can check out our Mo Space by going to

Thank you!

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